
About us

We have worked hard to ensure your peace of mind when taking out an Equity Release Scheme by undertaking independent reviews. Not only have we carried out checks to ensure the companies are financially stable, we also continuously undertake independent reviews from past customers. We honestly feel there is no better way to assess a company than by speaking to its customers.

How much could I unlock?

The amount of equity you can release is dependent on your current mortgage, your house price and your age.

If you are a Home Owner over 55, Equity Release could free up money for your retirement without the need to sell your home.

How you could use Equity Release?

Having that extra money can open up many possibilites. Perhaps you’ve lost a loved one and wanted to travel to see family, treat yourself to that dream car, complete the house renovations or even help loved ones financially - the options are endless…

“It’s opened up opportunities for more adventures.”


Equity release may involve a home reversion plan or a lifetime mortgage, which is secured against your property and will reduce the value of your estate and impact funding long-term care. Equity release requires paying off any existing mortgage. Any money released, plus accrued interest would  be repaid upon death, or moving into long-term care."