Please complete a few details below to help us request your equity release quotes.
What is your current age?
Our partnered provider requires a minimum age of 55 for applicants, as equity release is designed for homeowners aged 55 or older. Eligibility depends on your age and the value of your property.
We have assisted 17,675 equity release enquiries since 2015
We work with some of the UK's biggest brands, and as such, we can offer our website users a quick and easy way to compare quotes from a panel of lenders.
Our partner, Age Partnership, will be in touch with you to provide further information and quotations.
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Equity release may involve a home reversion plan or a lifetime mortgage, which is secured against your property and will reduce the value of your estate and impact funding long-term care. Equity release requires paying off any existing mortgage. Any money released, plus accrued interest, would be repaid upon death or moving into long-term care.
25% of policies are used to enhance homes.
24% help pay off existing mortgages.
9% go toward clearing debts.
8% are used to give financial gifts.
7% fund the purchase of a new car.
3% boost retirement income
2% fund vacations and travel.
2% are kept for unexpected expenses.
Equity Release helps you access equity (cash) in your home without the stress of moving home.
There are certain equity release plans available that allow you to have one lump sum or small monthly payments depending on your needs and the home reversion plan you choose. Get the best rates, release the most equity and enjoy the retirement you deserve.
Equity release may involve a home reversion plan or a lifetime mortgage, which is secured against your property and will reduce the value of your estate and impact funding long-term care.